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Gray haired lady with glasses looking down at piece of paper.
March 10, 2025
Annuities can play a vital role in retirement security, yet many Americans fail to understand or take advantage of them. Social Security provides a guaranteed income stream in retirement but often retirees find that to be their only guaranteed income source in retirement. Annuities can help to supplement social security and other pensions by providing additional income for life, yet they are often underutilized with only a small percentage of Americans owning one. We are going to dive deeper into annuities and how they can be a powerful tool for ensuring long-term financial stability.
Male doctor crouching down next to older Asian female patient in a wheelchair
January 24, 2025
For retirees navigating the complexities of Medicare, the Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) is an important factor to be aware of. This surcharge increases Medicare premiums for higher-income individuals, potentially reducing disposable income.
African American couple wearing hats and smiling at camera. Holiday lights in background.
December 6, 2024
The end of the year offers a perfect opportunity to evaluate your progress toward retirement savings goals. Below, you'll find tips to help ensure you're making the most of your resources as we approach 2025.
Dark skinned young adult woman in a white suit facing camera. Her lap top is open in front of her.
September 9, 2024
Life insurance isn't just about providing financial security for your loved ones; it can also be a strategic tool for building wealth and planning for the future. One option that stands out, especially for younger adults, is Fixed Indexed Universal Life (FIUL) Insurance. But what makes FIUL a compelling choice for those in their thirties and forties? Let’s explore!
Two men, shown from arms down, sitting across table from each other with papers and diagrams.
August 8, 2024
Have you ever received a 100-page financial plan from your advisor only to find out that less than 10 of those pages were useful? Typically, only a few pages of a financial plan will focus on strategy and investment choices; the rest usually cover fee breakdowns, risk and return explanations, and regulatory compliance disclosures. This may seem overwhelming when only a fraction of the pages are actually helpful! You’re not the only one that may be thinking, “Is this standard or should I consider finding a new advisor?”
May 16, 2024
When you think of "retirement planning", you probably don’t associate this topic with someone in their twenties. But saving for retirement is becoming more and more important to the younger generations for many reasons.
Elderly couple looking surprised in front of solid blue background.
April 24, 2024
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) made many changes to U.S. tax law. However, some of those changes included sunset provisions that will cause them to expire at the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2026, unless Congress acts to extend them. For today’s retirees, these changes will have significant impact. The three key components of the TCJA that will impact retirees in 2026 are going to be the changes pertaining to income-tax, estate taxes, and gift taxing.
Retired couple sitting in front of a computer looking at a document. Looking slightly concerned.
March 25, 2024
Those who feel underprepared for retirement will need to be extra strategic when navigating their retirement income plan. Obviously the primary goal is to have enough income in retirement so as not to outlive your means, however one should also anticipate and account for potential risks when developing or tweaking their plan.
Gray haired lady with glasses smiling as she stands in front of pink, orange, white balloon bouquet.
March 4, 2024
This year, we will experience record-breaking levels of Americans entering retirement. In fact, nearly 11,000 people per day are expected to turn 65 this year. Experts have begun calling this wave of retirement the “silver tsunami”, or “peak 65”.
Cartoon-like image of gray-haired man running and stretching out his tennis racket to return a ball
February 8, 2024
We are well into the new year and resolutions are in full swing. Maybe this year it’s not about eating better or getting more exercise, but instead about your financial health, which can have a profound impact on living comfortably down the road. Even if you are several years off from retiring, there’s no time like the present to take a deep dive into your retirement plan to make sure you feel confident about your future.
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